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Click on the following pictures to see their related essays  

Times I've Felt Alive

 Where I'm From 

My "Why" Essay 

Criticism of


Before SERVE class I had always synomously associated serving and service wtih positive outcomes and aspects. I had never put thought into their being possible negative affects. When serving we really want to help, but sometimes we do not realize what we are exactly doing. We need to step back sometimes and think about what we are doing and how, or if, it is helping the cause or benefiting people. This is not to say that people should not volunteer as they could make things worse, but just that we should be aware of the consequences and outcomes of our actions and choices. 

Change Lab 

Change Lab Powerpoint 

Change Lab Video 

Change Lab Reflection

For our project, our group chose to focus on sustainable farming. Virginia Tech has many resources for sustainable farming, so we used those resources and interviewed multiple of people who knew about the topic.  We set up an interview with a lady who worked with the dining services and sustainable farming here at Virginia Tech. She provided some great insight into how Virginia Tech supports sustainable farming and even participates itself. During this project I learned so much more about sustainable farming itself and sustainable farming here at Virginia Tech. At one point she mentioned how one of the professors here at Tech also worked at the Farmer’s Market food station in Owens. I loved how this teacher was so passionate about sustainable farming, that not only did he teach about it, but he also lived it out in his daily life by working here at Tech. She also mentioned this class at Tech where students go out to Kentland farms, Virginia Tech’s off campus farm, and learn by actually working in the fields. That hands on experience is really important and useful. I have been to Kentland before as I am an animal science major and one day during my animal science lab we took a field trip out there. It was a great place. It was beautiful and amazing to look around the farm and see all the animals and produce knowing that Tech students, and myself eat that food. The farm helps support the economy and help sustainable farming in general. I am now considering taking that class as it sounds so fun, and i will gain experience in an area i am interested in. I will able to look at the food in the dining halls, that I even eat myself, and say that I was a part of getting that food to the school and in people’s mouths. What I like about sustainable farming is you know where the food you are eating is coming from, because like here at Virginia Tech, we get our food from close by. I learned more about the benefits of sustainable farming and how it is a popular subject at this school.


Additionally, we went to the farmer’s market in downtown blacksburg on Wednesday. The place was not crowded so we had some great quality time to interact with the people at the stands. At first I just walked around taking the farmers market in, and of course bought some food. I had always wanted to go and check out the farmers market, now I want to go back on saturday again. This one man we meet was extremely nice and insightful for our project. He explained what sustainable farming means to him, what he does to support sustainable farming, why he supports sustainable farming. He explained how he himself went to Virginia Tech and decided to go into the sustainable farming industry. At the end while we were leaving he even gave us some delicious apples, which was so thoughtful and made the experience even better. There were some frustrating moments, but not too many. One of the frustrating moments was thinking out a solution to this problem that was actually feasible.


In one of our readings, Reluctant Activist by Mary Pipher in which she discussed how we need to be aware of the environmental issues around us, so that our children and their children can lead healthy lives. Sustainable farming helps the environment and also protects public health, human communities, and animal welfare. Although this form of farming may be more time consuming and expensive, right now and in the long run it will lead to the most benefit.

When our group first got together we discussed what topics we were interested in, specifically service projects. We mentioned various issues in our world, nation, state, and area, including hunger and environmental issues. We all agreed on something within the environmental area and from there we thought of a more specific topic we could approach. We thought about how some rural areas, like Virginia Tech are involved with sustainable farming. Our stakeholders were the New River Valley community and the people who live there, the leaders in the sustainable farming community (include sustainable farmers), and the government workers who plan and zone the community. I think our final product was pretty nice. It may have been a little long, but I really had fun and gained more insight through this project. We got some amazing interviews with people actually involved in the industry, so our project was not just research, but information and quotes from experts in the sustainable farming field.

Kretzmann & McKnight 

Assets-Based Community Development 

Community Engagement Self Assesment 

           For thefirst semester service engagement requirement we could do a number of different progjects or be involved with different organizations. I really liked being bale to have a taste of everything or be involved with different organizations that each involed with different aspects of what I like, whether that be animals, construction, playing with children, etc. Even though I did like this set up I value that we took what we had discussed in class about being invested in one organization so we do not spread ourselves too thin. This way we also focus more on one organization and do not jump around too much. We also can build better relationships with everyone else involved. So this change really did reflect what we had learned. We were able to carry out what we had been learning. 


           For me this act of picking one organization and sticking with it was hard. I have trouble deciding anything, I am really indicisive. I just love being involved with a number of different service groups that each address different issues and each involve my different intersets. I should have been more persistent and forceful in finding an organization right off the bat. I went into this process thinking that finding one organization would be easy, but I hit some bumps along the way. 


           During the beginning of the semester I had gone on a Habitat for Humanity trip, through vt engage, to Roanoke and absolutely loved it. I had so much fun spending the day with some great people and being a part of an amazing organization that would build a new home for a family in need. I also love constructing things in general. My dad has always been really great at doing things himself. From building cabinets, and desks, to painting rooms, to rewiring, to plumbing, to tiling, and so many other construction and home repair projects he would always be doing something. So growing up I would always join in helping him and really grew to love using the power tools, sanding wood, knocking down walls, and creating something new from my own two hands. So being able to do this again was great, as i really did miss it. So I thought this would be a great organization to be involved with. Since vt engage does not have many trips for Habitat, I turned to the organization itself. This really did not work. I probably could have done more to try and help, but finding hours that fit my schedule, especially since the projects were always out of Blacksburg, was difficult.


             Then I remembered my sister mentioning how she volunteered at the Lyric and loved it. I thought it's definitely convenient as it is right downtown and I can walk to it whenever. Their website for scheduling hours was easy to sign up for and navigate, unlike that of Habitat for Humanity’s. I also love movies and volunteering there just made sense. So I looked up the Lyric on line and emailed them asking to help. All I had to do was give my information and answer a few questions about why I want to volunteer there and what I would like to do. I mentioned that I would love helping them with anything. So they set me up with a password and username for a website that organized all teh volunteer's hours. So I signed up for a number of different times. 


             For my first shift I cleaned up after the movie Deadpool. Everyone working there was inviting and helpful. I jsut went through the isles and cleaned up all the popcorn and junk, which there was a lot because this showing was a bigger crowd than usual. With each time you volunteer they give you a free pass to watch a future movie wiht free popcorn and drinks. I only stayed to watch a movie once since I was usuaully very busy or volunteered late at night and needed sleep. They were always saying that I should stay and watch the show, which made me feel bad when I said I couldn't. I think this tactic of offering free food and drinks with a movie really works to draw in volunteers, but they seem to always be lacking in the volunteers they need. Though it is a small theatre they need as much help as they can get. 


             I also helped out by selling tickets, cleaning up after shows, running the concession both before shows. All which were great. Though these services were small and fairly easy they really helped out The Lyric as they rely on volunteers to help out. Everyone there was so nice and helpful. For example the first time I sold tickets for a show I was fairly nervous. There were a bunch of things to remember, like how to charge someone from a credit card, but if they had a card with a chip in it a different process was required. I messed up quite a bit during the beginning, but hten really warmed up to hte whole process and became good at it. The lady really took her time to explain how to do everything and stood near the booth as I gave out tickets just in case if I had questions (which I had a lot of). She was so patient with me, even when I undercharged someone for some tickets because I got the prices messed up. 


            I also helped out at concessions which involved filling popcorn buckets and drinks. I loved talking with all the people that came in, who were usually on the older side, unless the movie was more geared towards younger audiences. I would spend the times between customers when the rush died down to converse with the other volunteers. One day there wa sa girl who was also a student and another day there were two older women who lived in the area. Itwas nice being able to talk while we worked. I also enjoyed hearing about their different experinces and memories while working at the Lyric. 

            Though my volunteering may seem small and not as intense as building a house or making meals for the homeless, I really loved helping out this small business. Supporting small business, to me, is important. i also love how they do not just show movies, but have preformances, live music, among many other things. As it says on their website "Since 1998, the Lyric has operated a not-for-profit movie theatre and community center in the heart of downtown Blacksburg, Virginia." I think its also great they are a non-profit. It was originally made in 1930 and then closed a little during the 80s for restoration. I would spend sometimes after my shifts reading all the newspapers on the walls and the information papers which I found fascinating as they showed how the Lyric was made and changed over the years. I really want to continue volunteering over the next couple years while I am here in Blacksburg because I really did enjoy my time spent volunteering the at The Lyric. 






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